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How Often Should I Get My Website Redesigned?

'The best redesign test of all is this: Are you asking if your website needs to be redesigned? Because if you are, then it’s probably time to redesign your website. After all, why else would you be asking?' Share on X

You have worked hard over the years increasing your business’s presence on the market place, building a “Brand” identity, attracting a loyal following on social media, all whilst attracting and maintaining loyal custom.
A few years have passed and just like that wedding dress or suit you use to wear, it is beginning to look a little dated, and you probably wouldn’t fit into it anyway! We all expand over the years, legs get shorter, belly gets bigger. The same can be said for our business too, it expands (well it should !), we move into different “niches”, new trade skills are learnt, variances in our clients needs are accommodated differently to how we use to do it in the “Good Ol’ Days”, all of this is for the betterment of our work, trade and lifestyles.

When we look at our website, we can see that it is just like that old suit or dress, it served its purpose back then when we could fit into it, but now it just does not fit your buiness, your company has expanded, it has taken on a larger scope of service and your website is just not doing you any favours.

Forbes | Web Redesign | GeckoGrafix | Cardiff | Spain SEPT. 29, 2014
80’s Perm

And its not just the content, the actual style is also important, everybody in the 80’s had “BIG HAIR”. It would look dated now, you would be correlated to being out of touch with new technologies, for example if my website looked like something from the eighties, you wouldn’t have much faith in me to do yours – would you!
Now its not all doom and gloom, firstly you had the foresight to see the power that a website can do for you and your business and secondly you are reading this article about possibly updating it. So lets do just that!
Free Consultation of Website redesign | GeckoGrafix | Spain | Cardiff

Some “Pre-Design” work is needed first:

– This ranges from updated images, text and branding (logos, straplines etc.).
– Research on your demographic and what it is you want them todo when they visit your site.
What style of website you are wanting it to be.
– Landing page, Comprehensive, Dynamic, Static, Informative?
What framework
– What tools, plugins, framework or Platform you are going to use, this will be pretty much decided for you on how you answer the previous statements.

Updating your site doesnt mean you need to rethink your business model to accommodate a new website, its actually the other way round, your Buisness model should remain stable, your company ethos and Branding should be the cornerstone of your company and should shine brightly.

The Volkswagon Beetle was produced back in the mid-thirties- just under 90 years ago, yet to look at a new Beetle the essence of the 1st model is still prevalent in the cars today.

So to answer the burning question – How Often Should I Get My Website Redesigned? as a standard, I would say every 2-3 years, but if you are using a platform & framework like WordPress and Genesis, this can be a gentle transition of a period of time, which is why I use them.

If I can be of any help – Get in Contact with me